Discussion on Natural Law Philosophy / Richard Grove on the Meria Heller Show

Author: Lisa ArbercheskiOctober 29, 2013
Tags:Attraction, grove, heller, law, meria, natural, philosophy, richard, show

T+H Podcasts

Lisa Arbercheski

Discussion on Natural Law Philosophy / Richard Grove on the Meria Heller Show

10/29/13 Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove. The importance of truly life saving information; the power to say NO; Voluntaryism; are you into voluntary servitude? Learned helplessness, where does it start? Taking personal responsibility for the world around you; Gadgets as a form of mind control; predictive programming; non-participation is key; surveilling ourselves; technology used to control human beings; from naiveté to wisdom through aging; keeping your mind occupied through constant learning; don’t be forced to do anything; control systems are based on theft of our freedoms; lead by example; why we do what we do; people matter and how we treat them does too. Why your support is necessary for truth tellers and much more.



10/29/13 Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove. The importance of truly life saving information; the power to say NO; Voluntaryism; are you into voluntary servitude? Learned helplessness, where does it start? Taking personal responsibility for the world around you; Gadgets as a form of mind control; predictive programming; non-participation is key; surveilling ourselves; technology used to control human beings; from naiveté to wisdom through aging; keeping your mind occupied through constant learning; don’t be forced to do anything; control systems are based on theft of our freedoms; lead by example; why we do what we do; people matter and how we treat them does too. Why your support is necessary for truth tellers and much more.

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